Kanjeru Primary School, Kiambu County, Kenya
Kanjeru Primary school is a public institution which is located in Muguga Ward, Kabete Constituency of Kiambu County. It was started in 1954 as a community informal school and grew to a fully registered school in 1962. The current total enrolment of the school is 757 pupils, which consist of 636 in primary, 42 in special education and 79 in Early Child Education (ECDE).
In the year 2022, the school has prioritized the following projects in the Special Needs Unit:
Construction of a Classroom Block for the Special Needs Children
Kanjeru Primary School has 42 children in Special Education. These children of both gender have challenges including, physical disability, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, speech autism among others. The school intends to have a special classroom block to cater for the needs of these children. Currently, the special needs children use classrooms built for children with no physical challenges. The classroom block will be designed to make it easier for use by those with physical disabilities. It will also be located closer to the other facilities used by the special needs children within the school compound.
Learning Materials for the Special Needs Children
The special needs children in Kanjeru come from the neighboring poor villages. Majority of parents of the special needs children lack money to support the Special Needs Unit with learning materials. The school therefore seeks support to buy learning materials for the Unit including puzzles, boards, word picture match, thinking cards, number tracing boards, board games, skipping ropes, swinging rings among others.