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Scholarship Program

Kenya is a middle-income economy with pockets of poverty across the Country. Poverty and social degeneration have often led to orphaned children, single parent families, abandonment of children and growth of slums. All these have an impact on children who remain innocent and victims of circumstances. Many of these children often end up on the streets, teenage prostitution, robbery, or child labor. Every Child Counts (ECC) has an opportunity to make a change in the lives of many children within the schools they are already working with for the ongoing projects (Waitua, Napara, Kanjeru, Kisawayi).

In the current education system in Kenya, children spend eight years in primary school, four in secondary and a final four at the university. Schools are open for three terms (semesters) a year for an approximate 11 weeks each.

Its noteworthy to mention that Kenya introduced free primary school education back in 2002. This program has seen millions of needy children who would otherwise not be able to, attend primary school. The biggest challenge comes about when they need to advance their education to secondary level. Secondary schools are heavily subsidized by the Government but remain nonetheless not free.

A typical public secondary school charges between Kes 50,000 and Kes 70,000 ($500 to $700) per annum*. An additional amount of Kes 24,000 ($240) per annum would cater for schoolbooks, uniform, etc.

Total fees over four years of secondary school would average Kes 296,000 to Kes 376,000($2,960 to $ 3,760).

*3 public secondary schools were sampled for the school fees analysis namely: Kiambu High School, Precious Blood Kagwe and Tumu Tumu Girls High School.

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