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We are making N-95 style masks, come join us

This is an extraordinary time, and we are all concerned about the health and safety of family and friends, as we navigate a rapidly evolving situation. Our heart goes out to everyone around the world impacted, either directly or indirectly, by COVID-19. It's a moment for us to come together as never before.


Our mission at Every Child Counts has always been to help people in need at all times. To give back has been the main motto of those of us at Every Child Counts.


In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Every Child Counts is committed to doing its part to slow the spread of the virus. The safety of our doctors and healthcare professionals are of paramount importance and we are making masks at home using a 3D printer.


If you or anyone you know has a 3D printer, please donate them to us, or let us know if you can help - we can help you set it up to produce these masks. The detailed specs and instructions to making these masks are in the link.


We will continue to evaluate the ongoing situation and prioritize the safety of everyone involved. We realize these decisions are not without their challenges, and we thank you for helping meet the needs of our communities during this difficult time.


We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization EIN 36-4895722. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.

We Need Your Support Today!

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